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trippy perlin noise trippy-perlin-noise 2019-11-25T18:16:14.000Z 2019-11-29T01:06:04.000Z
Warning: contains some intensive JavaScript that might break your computer


Now that I can easily embed JavaScript on this blog, I should put here some of my experiments and weird code that does nothing, cause why not. This one is some colored Perlin noise made using p5.js, it would be pretty cool as a background for something, isn't it?

It is quite simple using the noise function, one the simplest things you can do with it is color = noise(x, y, time) for each pixel on the canvas, usually you make it grayscale but this time I'm generating 3 of them for each color component (red, green, blue) with a different seed. It looks pretty cool, if you ask me.

function setup() {
  createCanvas(256, 256);

function draw() {
  var n = 0;
  var z = 1;
  var speed = 0.005;
  noiseDetail(8, 0.65);
  for(a=0; a<3; a++)
    for(i=0; i<width*height*4; i+=4)
      x = ((i/4)%width)/width*z;
      y = floor((i/4)/width)/height*z;
      pixels[i+a] = noise(x,y,frameCount*speed)*255;

p5.js code for the above canvas.

On that, I recommend p5.js, or its big sister Processing, if you want to learn code and do some cool artsy stuff with it, I've been recommending to a bunch of people lately :) If you want to learn and you're a complete beginner, there's a series about that on The Coding Train on YouTube.

(P.S.: Sorry if I break your computer by executing some intensive JavaScript on this post! The above image isn't an image but the actual code running in your browser, and the whole calculation is a bit intensive, so I kept the canvas size rather small so it's bearable on older computers like mine :))

Edit (26/11): Updated the post with code and some explanations.