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A while ago I realized I followed way too much people and it distracts me a lot from writing long texts, that and there was way too much NSFW to go there at school, so I kinda stopped going there." />
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A while ago I realized I followed way too much people and it distracts me a lot from writing long texts, that and there was way too much NSFW to go there at school, so I kinda stopped going there."/>

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    <h2 name="top">Toasters Rocks: The Reboot</h2>

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<time datetime="2018-11-22">November 22, 2018</time><br/>

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<i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~1 minute
    <p>Yeah, let&rsquo;s try this out, cause why not. It used to be Tumblr (which you can still follow <a href="http://tumblr.toasters.rocks/">here</a>), but I recently switched to Write Freely, just to see how nicer it is. And looks like it works so far.</p>
<p>A while ago I realized I followed way too much people and it distracts me a lot from writing long texts, that and there was way too much NSFW to go there at school, so I kinda stopped going there. And I&rsquo;ve been meaning to create a self-hosted blog in its stead for a long while, I wanted something real simple, so when I saw this, I was like, yeah why not, looks like the thing I wanted, easy to customize, not a ton of Javascript and PHP that comes with it, and as a bonus you can follow this blog on the Fediverse, gonna try this.</p>
<p>So there you go. First blog post and I hope to write more on random things.</p>
<p>Edit: I&rsquo;m reposting my best blog posts from elsewhere here for completeness. Have fun.</p>


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