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First of all, thanks to our newest Patron, Terrence Wong, very appreciated :)
So I&rsquo;m working on and off on this show bible for Zarmina, gathering pages of notes and failed scripts I wrote for myself into one concise document meant to show other people who dare help&hellip; As I probably said in every post so far, the worst thing is motivation, I have a 9 to 5 job in the way and I have a family to care of, but eh, I&rsquo;d say I&rsquo;m half through the synopsis so far." />
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First of all, thanks to our newest Patron, Terrence Wong, very appreciated :)
So I&rsquo;m working on and off on this show bible for Zarmina, gathering pages of notes and failed scripts I wrote for myself into one concise document meant to show other people who dare help&hellip; As I probably said in every post so far, the worst thing is motivation, I have a 9 to 5 job in the way and I have a family to care of, but eh, I&rsquo;d say I&rsquo;m half through the synopsis so far."/>

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    <h2 name="top">November updates</h2>

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<time datetime="2020-11-17">November 17, 2020</time><br/>

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#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href="http://toasters.rocks/tags/zarmina">Zarmina</a>

<i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~2 minutes
    <p><em>This article was originally published on <strong><a href="https://www.patreon.com/juju2143">Patreon</a></strong>, reposting it here for completeness.</em></p>
<p>First of all, thanks to our newest Patron, Terrence Wong, very appreciated :)</p>
<p>So I&rsquo;m working on and off on this show bible for Zarmina, gathering pages of notes and failed scripts I wrote for myself into one concise document meant to show other people who dare help&hellip; As I probably said in every post so far, the worst thing is motivation, I have a 9 to 5 job in the way and I have a family to care of, but eh, I&rsquo;d say I&rsquo;m half through the synopsis so far. Maybe 5 pages of summaries so far. Which is a good thing, cause I see the story unfolding before my eyes, and I&rsquo;m getting new and better ideas&hellip; This is going to be very interesting.</p>
<p>So, the plan so far:</p>
<li>Write that bible</li>
<li>Show it it to some artists</li>
<li>Hope they like it</li>
<p>Of course, while I have money to properly pay that artist, I&rsquo;d love if this project would be entirely funded through Patreon. That would probably mean getting this page to at least $200 a month (and I&rsquo;m lowballing here, assuming a twice a month release). Unfortunately, I don&rsquo;t have much to show other than crappy, made in 10 minutes Horse Life 98 jokes done in some software whose technology is due to die next month. (Yeah. Kisekae is made with Flash Player, while it seems to be still maintained I have no idea how the creator of that thing will deal with that. Which is one of the reasons why HL98 is on hiatus, but not the only one.) I&rsquo;d love to show you my progress so far, but at the same time I don&rsquo;t really want to get you massively spoiled&hellip; But oh well, only time will tell. I&rsquo;m also thinking of tinkering with Twitch and play some games, but I dunno, I still don&rsquo;t have the setup for that just yet. But I&rsquo;m working on it!</p>
<p>Anyway. What would you like to see on this page? A Q&amp;A? More old stuff from my archives? More rants like this one? Comment, subscribe, throw your money at me. Thanks for believing in me and have a good day!</p>


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