That's a 404 in a pretty big font.
From 1095f569d13a9f635ba7aec9ae03d50dbc171ee8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: juju2143 That's a 404 in a pretty big font. That's a 404 in a pretty big font. Hi, I’m J. P. Savard. (Obviously a pen name. Or is it?) Also known as Juju or Yuki. I’m just a random freelance programmer from Québec City, Canada. I write things sometimes. It feels good. Here you will find random musings about life, development logs, code experiments, educational content, or anything I deem worth to put on this silly blog. Might write in French sometimes, if you don’t understand, it might not concern you, look somewhere else. None of my thoughts represent the opinion of my employers, clients, anyone I might know or even myself from next week. They often agree with me, but take nothing for granted. If you like the content I put here, please tip me on Patreon! Horse Life 98 strips uses art assets from Microsoft Chat and Pony Town, the latter are licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0. Character designs and the jokes are mine, unless indicated otherwise. Yes, it’s low-quality, that’s part of the joke. We’re in 1998. The rest are mine, unless indicated otherwise. The pieces of code are usually licensed under LiLiQ-P-1.1, unless indicated otherwise. I’m clearly abusing this phrase, unless indicated otherwise. Zarmina – My sci-fi fiction stuff.
+Here you will find random musings about life, development logs, code experiments, educational content, or anything I deem worth to put on this silly blog. Might write in French sometimes, if you don’t understand, it might not concern you, look somewhere else.">
+ Hi, I’m J. P. Savard. (Obviously a pen name. Or is it?) Also known as Juju or Yuki. I’m just a random freelance programmer from Québec City, Canada. I write things sometimes. It feels good. Here you will find random musings about life, development logs, code experiments, educational content, or anything I deem worth to put on this silly blog. Might write in French sometimes, if you don’t understand, it might not concern you, look somewhere else. None of my thoughts represent the opinion of my employers, clients, anyone I might know or even myself from next week. They often agree with me, but take nothing for granted. If you like the content I put here, please tip me on Patreon! Horse Life 98 strips uses art assets from Microsoft Chat and Pony Town, the latter are licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0. Character designs and the jokes are mine, unless indicated otherwise. Yes, it’s low-quality, that’s part of the joke. We’re in 1998. The rest are mine, unless indicated otherwise. The pieces of code are usually licensed under LiLiQ-P-1.1, unless indicated otherwise. I’m clearly abusing this phrase, unless indicated otherwise. Zarmina – My sci-fi fiction stuff.
MLP Québec – My other blog about fandoms.
CodeWalrus – A nice community of programmers. We have walruses.
-julosoft – Games I did, back when I was trying. GitHub – Source code I wrote for random stuff.
+julosoft – Games I did, back when I was trying. GitHub – Source code I wrote for random stuff.
YouTube – Random videos I put together when I’m bored.
YouTube – Animated stuff and other videos I actually give some of myself into.
Vimeo – Short films I did at school.
deviantArt – Things I draw and characters I design.
SoundCloud – Some music I do when I’m bored.
-Patreon – Send me some money! Discord: CodeWalrus
+Patreon – Send me some money! Discord: CodeWalrus
Twitter: @juju2143
Mastodon: @Yuki@im-in.space
-Email: juju at juju2143 dot catoasters rocks
toasters rocks
+toasters rocks
about me
legal stuff
my stuff
toasters rocks
about me
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+me and my stuff, elsewhere
me and my stuff, elsewhere
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best ways to contact me