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<span style=color:#fe3801>SoundCloud</span></a><br></nav></aside><article><h2>Welcome.</h2><p>Oh. I didn&rsquo;t see you there. My name is J. P. Savard - but you can call me Yuki - and welcome to my abode. This is a repository of silly things, poetry, rants, ideas and experiments I made on my free time, I hope you will like them, and that the information will be useful.</p><p>Here be dragons below, have fun.</p></article><article><div><h2><a class=title href=/twitter-tips/>Twitter tips and tricks I'm reasonably sure I came up with but I kinda wish more people should use</a></h2><p>Warning: Those are kinda involved and features characters you won't find on your keyboard. If you're too lazy to fetch them from a random website I don't blame you I guess</p><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>
<time datetime=2022-10-11>October 11, 2022</time><br><i class="fas fa-tags"></i>
#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href=>Rant</a><br><i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~2 minutes</div><p>1. How to evade bots and algorithmic censorship Use Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols and you&rsquo;ll be none the wiser.
Example: 𝖼𝗋𝗒𝗉𝗍𝗈 𝖭𝖥𝖳
It&rsquo;s indisguishable from basic ASCII, except if you&rsquo;re blind and you use a screen reader. In which case I hope you won&rsquo;t mind for the sake of avoiding bots. Which is why Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.</p><p><a href=/twitter-tips/>Read More...</a></p></article><article style=background-image:url(/images/2021/12/a39logo.png)><div class=metadata style="height:calc((var(--height) - 2em) * .5212264150943396 - 3.5em)"><h2><a class=title href=/a39/>Introducing</a></h2><p>New project. New goals. Same old thing.</p><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>
<time datetime=2021-12-31>December 31, 2021</time><br><i class="fas fa-tags"></i>
#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href=>Meta</a><br><i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~2 minutes</div><p>Hey, been a while. 2021 was weird. Probably as much as 2020 was, and as much as 2022 probably will. I kind of took 2021 leisurely, mostly because of family illness, the Backstreet Boys Reunion Tour*, my day job, and helping family and friends that all took most of my time. I hope it gets better in 2022, so I kinda want to set some goals for now on.
Introducing here a39.</p><p><a href=/a39/>Read More...</a></p></article><article style=background-image:url(/images/2020/11/bg.png)><div class=metadata style="height:calc((var(--height) - 2em) * .5625 - 3.5em)"><h2><a class=title href=/toasters-rocks-4/>Toasters Rocks 4.0</a></h2><p>Brand new blog, again.</p><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>
<time datetime=2020-11-28>November 28, 2020</time><br><i class="fas fa-tags"></i>
#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href=>Meta</a><br><i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~6 minutes</div><p>Well, it seems to be a tradition around this time of the year, every 368 days or so. A brand new blog. But this time, the story is quite interesting.
Genesis The first iteration of this blog was basically my Tumblr blog. By November 2018, I became largely disinterested by Tumblr due to various reasons, and I found this blog engine called WriteFreely, written in Go, could do federation so the blog posts would show up in people&rsquo;s Mastodon feeds, effectively replicating some of Tumblr&rsquo;s social features.</p><p><a href=/toasters-rocks-4/>Read More...</a></p></article><article><div><h2><a class=title href=/november-updates/>November updates</a></h2><p></p><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>
<time datetime=2020-11-17>November 17, 2020</time><br><i class="fas fa-tags"></i>
#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href=>Zarmina</a><br><i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~2 minutes</div><p>This article was originally published on Patreon, reposting it here for completeness.
2020-11-29 03:26:44 +00:00
First of all, thanks to our newest Patron, Terrence Wong, very appreciated :)
So I&rsquo;m working on and off on this show bible for Zarmina, gathering pages of notes and failed scripts I wrote for myself into one concise document meant to show other people who dare help&mldr; As I probably said in every post so far, the worst thing is motivation, I have a 9 to 5 job in the way and I have a family to care of, but eh, I&rsquo;d say I&rsquo;m half through the synopsis so far.</p><p><a href=/november-updates/>Read More...</a></p></article><article><div><h2><a class=title href=/zarmina-updates/>Zarmina updates</a></h2><p></p><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>
<time datetime=2020-10-17>October 17, 2020</time><br><i class="fas fa-tags"></i>
#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href=>Zarmina</a><br><i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~2 minutes</div><p>This article was originally published on Patreon, reposting it here for completeness.
2020-11-29 03:26:44 +00:00
Almost forgot I had a Patreon and someone is giving me a dollar a month, lol (thanks Pieman7373 :))
Anyway, here&rsquo;s some updates&mldr; It&rsquo;s been years I&rsquo;m talking about Zarmina and not much came up out of it. I had some work done this summer, the outline of the story is now finally complete, and I now started writing a bible, organizing all my notes together so someone else can look at it and have a good idea of the whole picture.</p><p><a href=/zarmina-updates/>Read More...</a></p></article><article style=background-image:url(/images/2020/10/tumblr_nf5ohq1Tn01qexvxeo2_1280.png)><div class=metadata style="height:calc((var(--height) - 2em) * .8320693391115926 - 3.5em)"><h2><a class=title href=/why-is-my-oc-a-girl/>Why is my OC a girl</a></h2><p>An essay about gender and ponies.</p><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>
<time datetime=2020-10-10>October 10, 2020</time><br><i class="fas fa-tags"></i>
#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href=>Rant</a><br><i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~5 minutes</div><p>An OC, short for &ldquo;original character&rdquo;, is often used, especially in the brony and furry fandoms, as an avatar of oneself, and in those fandoms you&rsquo;re encouraged to create one for yourself. And so is what I did as a brony around 2012, as a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, this show that somehow went hugely popular outside its intended target audience due to being overly cute and wholesome, while not trying too much so the kids&rsquo; parents could get behind as well.</p><p><a href=/why-is-my-oc-a-girl/>Read More...</a></p></article><article style=background-image:url(/images/2020/06/Screenshot_20200601-150643.png)><div class=metadata style="height:calc((var(--height) - 2em) * 1.7777777777777777 - 3.5em)"><h2><a class=title href=/i-left-social-networks/>I left social networks</a></h2><p>Some sort of virtual quarantine? How long will it last, this time?</p><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>
<time datetime=2020-06-01>June 1, 2020</time><br><i class="fas fa-tags"></i>
#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href=>Experiments</a><br><i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~5 minutes</div><p>I have a love-hate relationship with Facebook and Twitter. On one hand, it&rsquo;s a big forum with millions of people, all my friends are there, I meet new friends, they say some funny stuff, some cute stuff, I get all of my news there. It&rsquo;s super useful to share my work, and to reach people who might like it. I love just saying randomly what&rsquo;s on my mind for comedy, at the attention to whoever might hear it and find this funny.</p><p><a href=/i-left-social-networks/>Read More...</a></p></article><article><div><h2><a class=title href=/pandemic-story/>Pandemic Story</a></h2><p></p><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>
<time datetime=2020-05-06>May 6, 2020</time><br><i class="fas fa-tags"></i>
#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href=>Rant</a>
#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href=>Tech</a><br><i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~5 minutes</div><p>Here&rsquo;s a bit of my life story. For starters, I&rsquo;ve always had trouble finding a proper job, probably because I&rsquo;m on the autism spectrum (of course, not something I&rsquo;d like to explicitely tell everyone, for reasons), and/or I&rsquo;ve had a very pelicular story on my resumé (in short, you know, the whole you need to have experience to have experience thing, the classic catch-22), I don&rsquo;t know for sure. I&rsquo;ve always worked freelance on some small projects with friends, friends of friends or for myself, comfortably at home, and I wanted to work in a big company that could provide me with a stable job and work in an office, for a change.</p><p><a href=/pandemic-story/>Read More...</a></p></article><article><div><h2><a class=title href=/arch-linux-packages/>My Arch Linux packages: how to create your own repo</a></h2><p></p><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>
<time datetime=2020-02-22>February 22, 2020</time><br><i class="fas fa-tags"></i>
#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href=>Tech</a><br><i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~2 minutes</div><p>As I use Arch Linux as my daily driver on my main machine now and I use a lot the AUR nowadays (most notably I maintain the packages for The 8-Bit Guy&rsquo;s Commander X16), figured I might create my own repository, right?
So there you go, after figuring it out on the Arch Wiki, here&rsquo;s a collection of software I maintain on the AUR, some of my own things I bothered to make a PKGBUILD for, or just software not found in other binary repos I know the users of my communities will like.</p><p><a href=/arch-linux-packages/>Read More...</a></p></article><article style=background-image:url(/images/2020/01/CA-QC-2.png)><div class=metadata style="height:calc((var(--height) - 2em) * .6666666666666666 - 3.5em)"><h2><a class=title href=/emoji-region-flags/>Emoji region flags</a></h2><p>All of the emoji flags in one convenient font?</p><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>
<time datetime=2020-01-21>January 21, 2020</time><br><i class="fas fa-tags"></i>
#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href=>Experiments</a><br><i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~3 minutes</div><p><p>For this project, I&rsquo;ve been inspired by the <a href=>#emojibzh</a> movement which attempts to include the flag of the Brittany region of France in the emoji repertoire. So, I&rsquo;ve been looking at it and here&rsquo;s what I found.</p></p><p><a href=/emoji-region-flags/>Read More...</a></p></article><ul class="pagination pagination-default"><li class="page-item disabled"><a aria-disabled=true aria-label=First class=page-link role=button tabindex=-1><span aria-hidden=true>&#171;&#171;</span></a></li><li class="page-item disabled"><a aria-disabled=true aria-label=Previous class=page-link role=button tabindex=-1><span aria-hidden=true>&#171;</span></a></li><li class="page-item active"><a aria-current=page aria-label="Page 1" class=page-link role=button>1</a></li><li class=page-item><a href=/page/2/ aria-label="Page 2" class=page-link role=button>2</a></li><li class=page-item><a href=/page/3/ aria-label="Page 3" class=page-link role=button>3</a></li><li class=page-item><a href=/page/4/ aria-label="Page 4" class=page-link role=button>4</a></li><li class=page-item><a href=/page/2/ aria-label=Next class=page-link role=button><span aria-hidden=true>&#187;</span></a></li><li class=page-item><a href=/page/4/ aria-label=Last class=page-link role=button><span aria-hidden=true>&#187;&#187;</span></a></li></ul></main><footer>Copyright © 2020 J.P. Savard - Theme by <a href=>J. P. Savard</a> - Powered by Hugo 0.105.0</footer></body></html>