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<time datetime=2020-10-10>October 10, 2020</time><br><i class="fas fa-tags"></i>
#<a class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark tag-btn" href=>Rant</a><br><i class="fas fa-hourglass"></i> ~5 minutes</div><p>An OC, short for &ldquo;original character&rdquo;, is often used, especially in the brony and furry fandoms, as an avatar of oneself, and in those fandoms you&rsquo;re encouraged to create one for yourself. And so is what I did as a brony around 2012, as a fan of <em>My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic</em>, this show that somehow went hugely popular outside its intended target audience due to being overly cute and wholesome, while not trying too much so the kids&rsquo; parents could get behind as well.</p><p>So I fired up General Zoi&rsquo;s Pony Creator and started making something. Some people try to make their pony look like themselves, make it as colorful as they want, and honestly that&rsquo;s their choice, but I prefered something that could actually fit into the show.</p><p><img src=/images/2020/10/yukikagayaki.png alt>This is the OG Yuki. Don&rsquo;t mind the low-quality cutie mark.</p><p>And so this is the pony I came up with. A mare named Yuki Kagayaki (roughly translates to Snow Sparkle because I was a huge weeb), themed around <a href=/fr/yuki/>snow</a>. And that character followed me ever since. Playing as her in roleplays and games at every opportunity helped me shape her world and her personality.</p><p>Of course, there&rsquo;s a lot of female representation in the show, but while stallions exist people generally take the female build as it looks better. But for me, Yuki was a representation of the ideal girl I had at the time, or at least a pretty nice character to play with. Or so I thought.</p><p><img src=/images/2020/10/tumblr_nf5ohq1Tn01qexvxeo2_1280.png alt></p><p><img src=/images/2020/10/hl16p4.png alt></p><p><img src=/images/2020/10/Happyyuki.png alt></p><p><img src=/images/2020/10/dcmrn1h-f45b3e9c-3090-4e07-a62e-55f993b2e7c7.png alt></p><p><img src=/images/2020/10/hl14p3.png alt></p><p><img src=/images/2020/10/yuki2.png alt></p><p>The evolution of a Yuki.</p><p>A note on bronies: I&rsquo;ve been part of the local brony group from 2012 when I founded my website on the local brony fandom in the province of Québec (BroniesQC, later renamed MLP Québec when the .quebec TLD came out) until when it died down as most people moved on to something else, and with that I met a ton of amazing friends. I&rsquo;ve also met a lot of good friends in Europe through a regroupment of French-language pony websites, as well as around the world, so thanks to all of you for being there. It&rsquo;s been 10 years to this day this show was around, time goes fast when you have fun, I guess.</p><p>Around the same time as watching a cartoon marketed for young girls became more accepted and people realized there&rsquo;s no shame anymore admitting you were watching The Powerpuff Girls when it came on TV back in 1998, so is exploring your sexuality and coming to terms one&rsquo;s gender might not match what&rsquo;s expected of them. Of course, I don&rsquo;t think there&rsquo;s a strong relation to those two concepts, but I do think the show certainly helped some people. Anyway, we&rsquo;re now in an era where putting your preferred pronouns in your bio became important because you can easily get the wrong one, or even something so wildly different from the usual gender norms you probably would never have guessed.</p><p>Looking at this, while I respected that idea, personally I felt those ideas weren&rsquo;t applying to me as strongly as you might expect. I felt the need to find a way to say I wouldn&rsquo;t be mad if you get the wrong pronoun on me, so I wasn&rsquo;t specifying them, or saying I use all of them when asked. And then it dawned on me: maybe the concept of non-binary was applying to me? Maybe even genderfluidity? I figured, maybe it&rsquo;d be nice to be a woman, but at the same time I didn&rsquo;t mind being a man either. And anyway, that doesn&rsquo;t really matter, as the society is going toward entirely new gender norms. People are free to be what they want, and